Yellow Cab Houston & Taxis Fiesta present 15th annual HLAGH Bike Build


Dozens of Houston hotels and allied members gathered in Hall A3 of the George R. Brown Convention Center for the Hotel & Lodging Association of Greater Houston’s (HLAGH) annual bike building event. Benefiting Child Advocates and the HLAGH, 25 teams were each tasked with building two bikes for deserving kiddos involved with the Child Advocates program. There was a competition to see which team could build their bikes the fastest while simultaneously creating a holiday card to give each child. After passing a safety inspection, teams were invited to the stage for a quick picture and then it was off to the relay race! Team members had to compete by jumping rope, bouncing on a “hippity hop”, and balancing a wiffle ball as they dashed across the hall.


Pancho Claus and his posse even stopped by with the Taxis Fiesta lowrider full of toys for the children. Fun holiday games were set up to entertain the little ones before the bike building fun began!  Hall A3 was truly transformed into a winter wonderland.

Yellow Cab Houston brought its 1927 antique model T taxi and promo Jeep for photo opportunities. Attendees enjoyed delicious refreshments from Aramark and holiday tunes from Freeman Audio Visual.


It was an honor to sponsor the event for the 9th year. Yellow Cab employees always have a blast spreading holiday cheer to those who need it most.

For more information on Child Advocates please visit:

To learn more about HLAGH please visit:

Visit our Facebook page for a full album of pictures.

Yellow Cab Houston presents 14th Annual HLAGH Bike Build

Dozens of Houston hotels and allied members gathered in Hall B of the George R. Brown Convention Center for the Hotel & Lodging Association of Greater Houston’s (HLAGH) annual bike building event. Benefiting Child Advocates and the HLAGH, 25 teams were tasked with building two bikes each for deserving kiddos involved with the Child Advocates program.

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There was a competition to see which team could build their bikes the fastest while simultaneously creating a holiday card to give each child. After passing a safety inspection, teams were invited to the stage for a quick picture and then it was off to the relay race! Team members had to compete by jumping rope, hula hooping, and balancing a wiffle ball as they dashed across the hall.

Pancho Claus and his helpers even stopped by with the Taxis Fiesta lowrider full of toys for the children. Fun holiday games were set up to entertain the little ones before the bike building fun began!  Hall B was truly transformed into a winter wonderland.

Yellow Cab Houston brought its 1927 antique model T taxi and promo Jeep for photo opportunities. Attendees enjoyed delicious refreshments from Aramark and holiday tunes from Freeman Audio Visual.

It was an honor to sponsor the event for the 9th year. Yellow Cab employees always have a blast spreading holiday cheer to those who need it most.

For more information on Child Advocates please visit:

To learn more about HLAGH please visit: